Work Faster, Not Harder

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The high-performance SiAION XL nozzle with an aluminum jacket provides excellent service life. It is lightweight so you can work longer without fatigue.

Combine with a Farrow Flow Insert. Gain 25% wider spread at the nozzle while saving 25% in time, media, and fuel consumption.

SiAION XL Nozzle with Poly JacketSiAION XL Long Venturi with Aluminum Jacket and 1-1/4″ Thread

The media is projected over a longer distance and higher velocity. You can work faster, do more in less time, and increase profits. The SiAlON is perfect for long jobs. This XL nozzle features “standard” 1-1/4 inch threads.  If you need 50mm Contractor thread, we also have that!

Farrow Flow Insert 1-1/4″ NPT

The Farrow Flow Insert works on dry blast pots, wet abrasive pots, dry ice blasters, blast cabinets and blast rooms. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE from the manufacture.

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