Double Venturi Nozzle
The tungsten carbide double venturi nozzle offers a 35% larger blast pattern than a standard
Long Venturi Nozzle
The long venturi nozzle offers a 40% increase in production over a straight bore nozzle.
SiALON XL Long Venturi Nozzle – Rust Removal
This high-performance SiAION XL nozzle with Aluminum Jacket is made of a lightweight SiAION material
Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.6 Bulk Density: 100 lbs cuft Made of 100% Recycled Glass Safe For Use Around Water American Made Contains less than 1% free...
Mohs Hardness: 6.5-7 Bulk Density: 140 lbs cuft Used in Sandblast and Waterjet Relatively Hard Mined Mineral Heavy Abrasive Requires Higher Pressures to be effective...
Mohs Hardness: 7 Bulk Density: 160 lbs cuft Hard, Heavy good etching abrasive Breaks down in small angular pieces Wear on nozzles and hoses Angular...
Mohs Hardness: 3-4.5 Bulk Density: 55 lbs cuft 100% Recycled Material Good for coating removal without damaging the substrate Military used Plastic Abrasive to replace...
Mohs Hardness: 6-6.5 Bulk Density: 130 lbs cuft Mined Staurolite Sands Round and Subangular Shaped Media Coating and Rust Removal Tests have show it to...
Consumption rate reductions of up to 30-percent vs Coal Slag Faster cutting rates producing up to 50-percent less time on the job vs Coal Slag...